Wednesday, November 2, 2016 Walton knows how important it is to build a relationship with his players and it shows because they are trusting the process and you can see a lot of growth in the youth.

The Lakers wins and loses may not be showing the major changes they have made but you can see a major change in their culture and they have made great strides to turning around their issues.

Ezekiel Elliott is leading the league in rushing yard so far. Many people can attribute the offensive line for his success but he also has the most yards after contact. This is very impressive for a rookie running and he has been leading the Cowboys to success.

Nobody expected the Dallas Cowboys to get off to a 6-1 start and every week they continue to show that they are a force to pay attention to. Hopefully they can keep up the streak that they have been on.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Brandon Ingram has huge potential become elite but many look at his weight as a huge disadvantage. If Brandon Ingram can develop his shot on an NBA level then he will be just fine.

Being an obvious Lakers fan I would love to see Brandon Ingram become rookie of the year. He is kind of at a disadvantage being that he is going to be coming off the bench.

Many fans were mad at the amount of money the Lakers spent on Timofey Mozgov but in reality he might be a major upgrade. The Lakers did not have any rim protection and no player that could put his back to the basket and get a few points.